Sunday, January 31, 2010

a·maze (

v. a·mazed, a·maz·ing, a·maz·es
1. To affect with great wonder; astonish. See Synonyms at surprise.
2. Obsolete To bewilder; perplex.
To cause great wonder or astonishment: a sight that amazes.
Amazement; wonder.
[From Middle English masen, to bewilder, and from amased, bewildered (from Old English
masod), both from Old English
masian, to bewilder :
-, intensive pref. + *masian, to confuse.]

ed·ly (
) adv.

ed·ness n.

amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]
causing wonder or astonishment amazing feats
amazingly adv
That was what i thought amazing was...
But amazing is you.
Who you are.
What you do. What you don't.
What i am when i'm with you.
What i feel. What WE feel.
What we do.
This month. This dream.
Our kisses. Our hugs.
Understand this...
Amazing is you.
But amazing is you.
Who you are.
What you do. What you don't.
What i am when i'm with you.
What i feel.
What we do.
This month. This dream.
Our kisses. Our hugs.
Understand this...
Amazing is you.
Quien más? Edwin Acosta at 5:24 PM

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Post a CommentSpeechless! What we feel right now is even greater!!=D. Our hugs are a must of my day in order for it to become the next greatest day of my year! I can't even begin to thank you for all that you've done! The only thing I can say right now is that, I love you now more than ever and that you make me more amazingly happy each day that pass us by!!.. Muaaah!